Province of Honor strives to develop high-tech industries

Yang Yang
The northwestern province has been following guidance in sci-tech innovation, reforming institutions and mechanisms, and co-developing its industrial and innovation chains.
Yang Yang
Province of Honor strives to develop high-tech industries

Shaanxi Province has many national key labs and engineering research centers.

Shaanxi Province in northwestern China has been named as “a remarkable place for carrying out innovation strategies while developing high-tech industries” for four consecutive years from 2016 to 2019 by the State Council, the only province in the country to enjoy such an honor.

To achieve this, Shaanxi, Province of Honor of the 2020 Pujiang Innovation Forum, has been following the central government’s comprehensive guide in sci-tech innovation, driving reform of scientific institutions and mechanisms and co-developing its industrial and innovation chains.

Shaanxi is attracting top high-tech talent from home and abroad, developing its high-tech zones, holding innovation competitions, financing innovative companies and nurturing high-tech startups through a variety of incubators.

The province is also improving its regional sci-tech innovation system, deepening sci-tech cooperation and exchanges, and in particular developing sci-tech innovation in the fields to improve people’s well-beings.

The province’s comprehensive science and technology innovation index in 2019 reached 67.04 percent, ranking ninth nationwide. Its science and technology activities output index arrived at 75.42 percent, ranking fourth nationwide. Shaanxi’s contribution ratio to science and technology progress last year reached 59.2 percent. Its total research spending in 2019 amounted to 58.458 billion yuan (US$8.73 billion), a new high in the past decade.

Province of Honor strives to develop high-tech industries
Ti Gong

Shaanxi Province, Province of Honor of the 2020 Pujiang Innovation Forum, spares no efforts to develop its industrial and innovation chains.

By the end of 2019 the province had 67 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 27 national-level key labs and seven Chinese national engineering research centers.

Important innovation platforms, including Shaanxi National Applied Mathematics Center, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Center and Shaanxi Province Aerospace and Astronautics Propulsion Research Institute, have been established in the province in recent years.

To further its achievements, the province will continue focusing on basic scientific researches and their application, cultivate a whole industrial chain and an innovation system fitting the actual conditions of the province, extend its reform trials in Xi’an high-tech zones, as well as in sci-tech institutions.

Sci-tech projects to safeguard people’s health and livelihoods, alleviate poverty and protect environment will be fully carried out.

As Province of Honor at this year’s  Pujiang Innovation Forum, Shaanxi has dispatched a government delegation to participate in various activities and deliver keynote speeches.

Professor Guo Lihong, president of Northwest University in Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi, will introduce the province’s experience in sci-tech and cultural exchanges with countries and regions under the Belt and Road Initiative.

Officials from sci-tech departments and experts in technology transfer and transformation in Shaanxi Province will attend the opening ceremony of the Inno-Match Expo, which will be held from October 28 to 30.

Ten science and research institutions and companies from Shaanxi will display and promote 10 of their sci-tech results during the expo.

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