Education to nurture an ecosystem of genius

Shanghai will continues to grow and invent its future in these times of artificial intelligence and increasing urbanization.

Education to nurture an ecosystem of genius

SHANGHAI has always been a city of transformation so prominent on the world stage, and as it continues to grow and invent its future in these times of artificial intelligence and increasing urbanization, it has an opportunity to reimagine the city itself as an open, collaborative platform by reimaging the way its citizens learn.

In partnership with local universities, private industry, and residents, Shanghai can spark the development of radical new solutions from its populace — both local and global — for the great problems defining its present and its future: traffic congestion and infrastructure, but also, gaps in skills and knowledge, equal access to data and technology, protection of privacy, and sustainable growth. Education will be the key to enabling progress on all of these issues.

While China has a rich legacy of education that continues to this day, we need to do more to recalibrate the education system toward the future, not only teaching new skills and knowhow in the latest technologies but also empowering the creative confidence of students and encouraging a design-oriented mindset to produce talent on a global scale. Shanghai can radically alter the competitive landscape, making it open to all, by leveraging the global ecosystem of innovation to renew the education system to develop talent locally with respect to new technologies, problem-finding, and design. In this way, we can ensure that expertise in areas like AI is no longer controlled by an exclusive few, by tech giants like BAT, but equally accessible to the entrepreneurial potential of all its citizens.

Hands-on approach

We can help you do this, and we have already been doing this at places like Fudan University, where we helped the school chart a new strategic direction by leveraging Design Thinking. In finding meaningful new problems and prototyping unique solutions in a collaborative, hands-on way, we worked closely with them to reimagine the future of business education around a more personalized and purposeful student experience for the Class of 2026. But more importantly, we enabled and empowered the creative confidence of our teams to be innovators and to think things and do things beyond what they previously thought possible.

These kinds of transformative experiences would in turn provide funding incentives and create the fundamental conditions for innovation. As it so often happens, this begins with universities, where knowledge flows freely, alongside active, inquisitive minds. Following from this, Shanghai can find new ways to fund housing for young, talented minds through subsidies for fellowships, which provide housing for qualifying residents and new skills for residents. And it can also find ways of going beyond physical infrastructure investments to digital infrastructure – to renewing the ways we store and access information publicly, the ways we connect to one another and to the world across physical and digital barriers, and the ways we ensure our digital safety and privacy.

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