International Awards for Art Criticism submissions wanted

Song Xinyi
The Fifth International Awards for Art Criticism is open to candidates from all over the world. 
Song Xinyi
International Awards for Art Criticism submissions wanted
Ti Gong

The Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum.

The Fifth International Awards for Art Criticism is open to candidates from all over the world. 

Co-organized by the Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum, the China Minsheng Banking Cooperation and the Royal College of Art, the awards are set with the principal aim of supporting contemplative and creative writing about exhibitions of contemporary art. 

For the first time this year, only new writing pieces in Chinese or English that have not already been previously published in print or online will be eligible for consideration. 

And the number of awards has increased to four, including one first prize and three winners in second place. 

The first prize is 80,000 yuan (US$12,500) and a short visit to Shanghai or London, while 30,000 yuan is reward for every second prize winner. 

In making those changes the IAAC seeks to enhance the international competitiveness of the awards and further widen their geographical reach.

Candidates are invited to write a review in 1,500 words in English or 2,500 Chinese characters on any exhibition of contemporary art held anywhere in the world between September 20, 2017 to September 20, 2018. 

All submissions will be judged in conditions of strict anonymity.

The international jury for the IAAC 5 includes Maria Fusco, chancellor’s fellow or Edinburgh College of Art, Jean-Marc, president of the Archives de la Critique, Matthew Collings, artist, Gao Minglu, critic and curator, and Shen Yubing, professor at Fudan University. 

The deadline for entries is on September 23, 2018. And for more information, please visit

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