Straw plaiting: a craft that provides peace amidst the hustle and bustle

Yan Jingyang Yu Wenhao Zhong Youyang Zhu Ying
Xuhang Town in Jiading District is known as the hometown of straw plaiting. Almost every woman in the town is proficient in the craft.
Yan Jingyang Yu Wenhao Zhong Youyang Zhu Ying

Shot by Yan Jingyang and Yu Wenhao. Edited by Zhong Youyang. Subtitles by Zhu Ying and Zhong Youyang.

Xuhang Town in Jiading District, Shanghai is known as the hometown of straw plaiting. Almost every woman in the town is proficient in the straw-plaiting craft.

Straw plaiting in Xuhang has been recorded in history since the Tang Dynasty, and became one of the tributary items of the imperial court. In the Qing Dynasty, Xuhang straw-plaited slippers were exported to various countries in Eurasia. In 2008, Xuhang straw plaiting was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage.

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