To have children or not? That is the question

Ke Jiayun Xu Wei Li Qian
To have children or not? That is the question. Many couples in Shanghai are conflicted, with issues such as cost, independence, and career bringing the topic to heated debate.
Ke Jiayun Xu Wei Li Qian

Shot by Ke Jiayun, Xu Qing and Xu Wei. Edited by Li Qian and Ke Jiayun. Subtitles by Li Qian, Ke Jiayun and Xu Qing.

To have children or not? That is the question.

Data shows that the fertility rate in Shanghai last year was 0.7, while the internationally recognized warning line is 1.5.

The issue was a heated topic of debate during the recently-concluded national Two Sessions.

We talked to people on the streets of Shanghai. Let's see what they have to say.

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