Norovirus confirmed at local university

Yang Meiping
Norovirus was found in vomit and excrement samples collected at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, where more than 40 students recently fell ill.
Yang Meiping

Norovirus was found in vomit and excrement samples collected at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, where more than 40 students recently fell ill with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, local disease control authorities said yesterday.

The disease control and prevention center in Yangpu District, where the university is located, is also testing whether some students were sickened by food poisoning. Final test results will be released on Thursday, according to the center.

The university said it has disinfected all canteens, classrooms, dormitories and other public spaces, and also banned takeaway food being delivered to its campus.

It additionally enhanced monitoring of canteen operations and water supplies on campus.

The campus clinic is cooperating with local hospitals to help sick students receive prompt medical treatment.

Most of the stricken students have recovered, but four were still on saline drips in hospital as of yesterday.

The university reminded faculty and student to be cautious of food safety and sanitation, as foods can quickly spoil under summer heat.

The university clinic will run around the clock to serve students in case of emergencies.

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