Survey finds greater awareness of benefits of vaccination
About 85 percent of the public believe that vaccination can prevent disease.
Out of all the vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccination has the highest recognition and willingness to receive a shot, according to a national survey released on Sunday, National Vaccination Day.
The online survey, which covered 12,674 people and 622 medical professionals, aimed to gain an understanding about the awareness of vaccination among the public and professionals. It was also intended to improve the public awareness of whole-life vaccination and help build a vaccination plan for the entire family.
The coronavirus epidemic has greatly boosted public understanding of vaccination, as only 47 percent of the correspondents believed that vaccination can prevent disease in last year’s survey.
In this year’s survey, more than 96 percent of the correspondents had heard of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 81 percent expressed a willingness to receive the shots, followed by vaccines for hepatitis B, flu and HPV.
The survey also found that women had a higher awareness of vaccination, and nearly 90 percent of women said vaccination can prevent disease.
Feng Zijian, vice director of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said it is heartening to know that the public has a high awareness of vaccine, which is the most effective measure for infectious prevention and control.
“The coronavirus epidemic has helped people have a better understanding of the value of inoculation," he said. "The value of vaccination is the value of life."
Experts said vaccine plays an important role in the history against disease and a person should receive vaccination in line with different stages of life. Families can make a plan for each member for vaccination.
Officials from the Shanghai Health Promotion Center also reiterated the importance of self protection and vaccination when COVIA-19 epidemic control has become a routine and long-term task in the nation.
It is important to take a mask if going outside, and wear the mask while taking public transportation, going to a hospital or crowded places.
Good personal hygiene like washing hands is effective for infectious disease prevention and control.
The best protection is vaccination, and all eligible people are encouraged to take the shots, the center said.
Following epidemic information from official channels and staying alert is important, while keeping good habits of maintaining social distance and indoor ventilation are useful, health officials said.