Fans installed to cool down downtown Metro station's 'greenhouse' transfer channel
The "greenhouse" metro transfer channel at Yishan Road Station, which has been the subject of numerous complaints for its lack of ventilation and barrier-free transfer, has now been equipped with electric fans to provide commuters with some much-needed cool comfort.
Twenty electric fans have been installed – each every few meters – in the channel to deliver cool air amid the sweltering summer weather. The installation of the remaining five fans will be completed soon, according to Chen Ying, deputy stationmaster of Yishan Road Station.
"We are stepping up efforts to install wall-mounted fans in the transfer channel for cooling and ventilation," said Chen.
According to previous reports, passengers were enduring temperatures reaching 41 degrees Celsius in the passageway connecting Shanghai Metro Lines 9, 3, and 4 at the popular downtown station, compared to 32.6 degrees outside.
After the fans were installed, passengers have noticed a significant improvement in heat relief, the local Jiefang Daily reported on Sunday. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of the fans remains to be tested during the next hot day.
However, the construction of an underpass, as the way to root out the interchange problem, is yet to break ground. The main structure of the underpass is scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of next year, according to the enterprise involved in the construction project.