'Most beautiful families' leading way for better society
This year's "most beautiful families" who live in Shanghai has been revealed.
Across the city, 200 families received the honor.
They include Zhang Lili, who runs a coffee shop were people with autism or hearing impairments can work; Zhu Yueyue, who promotes everyone to engage in community planning and management; and Wang Pinxian, a marine geologist who's dedicated to promoting science education late in life through short videos in Gen-Z dominated platforms such as Bilibili.
The list was revealed by the Shanghai Women's Federation at the opening ceremony of Shanghai's 18th Family Cultural Festival held this week.

Zhang Lili (first to the left on the front row) and her workers at the coffee shop.
At the ceremony, the federation, together with Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation and Shanghai Children's Foundation, launched a "Hand in Hand, Family with Family" campaign with the aim to promote more international, inclusive, and diverse family education.
A class designed by the federation and the East China Normal University for parents to get to know how to raise children in a proper and scientific way was also revealed.
There will be 314 activities on offer this month including lectures and forums.