Shanghai museum brings extinct species to life with AI

Zhu Shenshen
Thanks to artificial intelligence technology, visitors to the Natural History Museum can observe creatures from the past and learn about their life, environment and habits.
Zhu Shenshen
Shanghai museum brings extinct species to life with AI
Ti Gong

Visitors embark on a digital journey at the Shanghai Natural History Museum.

Visitors to the Shanghai Natural History Museum can now embark on virtual reality journeys with extinct and elusive creatures, thanks to artificial intelligence.

The museum's latest project, "Awakening the Earth Elves with AI," allows visitors to observe fin whales, baiji dolphins and mammoths in stunning detail, as if they were alive.

Three rare specimens on display at the museum have been digitally resurrected. By stepping into virtual reality gates, visitors can immerse themselves in customized scenes, observing the lifelike appearance of these creatures and learning about their life, environment and habits.

The project leverages spatial computing and AIGC technology, employing AI reconstruction algorithms to streamline the model construction process for the first time. Lenovo, technology partner for the initiative, says this approach improves the efficiency and accuracy of digital displays in museums.

By combining traditional exhibits with innovative technology, the Shanghai Natural History Museum is redefining the museum experience, making it more engaging and informative for visitors of all ages, industry officials said.

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