Taxi driver runs red lights to rush seriously ill child to hospital

Chen Xiaoli
A taxi driver in Duyun, Guizhou Province, who rushed a seriously ill child to hospital was let off the traffic violations incurred during his dramatic dash.
Chen Xiaoli

Chinese netizens were greatly touched by a taxi driver in Duyun, Guizhou Province, who ran three red lights to rush a seriously ill child to hospital.

Taxi driver runs red lights to rush seriously ill child to hospital

The incident happened on July 30 when the driver, Li Lejun, saw a family anxiously trying to hail a taxi with one of them holding an unconscious child in their arms.

Li immediately pulled over to let them get in, and they urged him to get them to hospital for emergency treatment. The child, who's said to suffer from a blood disease, had a pale face and his body was in a fit of spasm.

Taxi driver runs red lights to rush seriously ill child to hospital

In the race against the time, Li flashed his headlights and ran three red lights during his mad dash. It took him only five minutes to reach the hospital, a journey which normally takes more than 20.

However, despite the great efforts of Li, doctors found the child's breathing and heart had stopped, and they were unable to save his life.

After hearing the bad news, Li couldn't help but cry and said, "I tried my best!"

Local police decided not to charge the man for his traffic violations in light of the circumstances.

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