Pudong Pearl Forum unveiled at Shanghai East Library

Li Qian
Top scientists delivered lectures on "Quantum Bits to the Cosmos" at the Shanghai Library East Branch, where the "Pudong Pearl Forum" was also launched.
Li Qian
Pudong Pearl Forum unveiled at Shanghai East Library
Ti Gong

Nobel Laureate in Physics, Frank Wilczek, introduces quantum statistics.

Top physicists shared their thoughts on "From Quantum Bits to the Cosmos" with the public at the Shanghai Library East Branch on Thursday.

The event also marked the unveiling of the "Pudong Pearl Forum," a newly established project by Pudong's talent authorities that will provide the public with access to top professionals through lectures and themed salons.

Frank Wilczek, the 2004 Nobel Laureate in Physics and chief scientist at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, explained quantum statistics as the fifth force of nature, in addition to the four fundamental forces of gravitation, electromagnetism, weak interaction, and strong interaction.

Utrecht University's Professor Cristiane Morais Smith presented quantum fractals and their potential uses in quantum information and quantum computing.

Professor Laura Baudis of the University of Zurich introduced the universe's dark matter.

Pudong Pearl Forum unveiled at Shanghai East Library
Ti Gong

Scientists interact with the audience.

Francis Halzen, a member of Academia Europaea, presented findings of neutrino events from blackholes, supernovae, and other celestial bodies detected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, which is in the South Pole.

Douglas Lin, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, discussed the origins of the cosmos and the possibilities of alien life.

The event also included a Q&A session with the audience.

Guan Ruohan, a freshman at ShanghaiTech University, was fascinated by Wilczek's speech on quantum statistics because "it can help us reshape the outlook of the world."

Lin's presentation sparked her interest as well.

"I'm from the School of Life Science and Technology, and I'm very interested in extraterrestrial life."

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