New comedy explores family relationships
The comedy "Coconut Brothers" produced by the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center is on stage at the Lyceum Theatre until November 27.
Themed on family relationships, the play tells a story about how a father and his two sons, one adopted and one biological, reconcile their differences and reach mutual understanding through a trip to Sanya in Hainan Province with unexpected surprises and findings.
"The lively story deconstructs the present society, especially the life of youth," said He Nian, director of the play.
Scriptwriter Chen Lu mentioned that the script of "Coconut Brothers" took two full years to write and polish up and deserves high expectations from audiences.
Different from other plays, the stage design team decided to use minimal lighting and props.
Wang Jiadi, one of the stage designers, said they intended to simplify the stage in order to let the audience pay more attention to the actors and their performance.
Performance info:
Date: Through November 27, 2pm or 7:30pm
Tickets: 180-580 yuan
Venue: Lyceum Theatre
Address: 57 Maoming Road S.