Bibliophile Yao's former residence collected books for Shanghai (Part 1)

Qiao Zhengyue
In this episode, we will visit the former residence of Yao Guang, a bibliophile and literary figure during the late Qing Dynasty, to experience the charm of Jiangnan folk mansions.
Qiao Zhengyue

In Zhangyan Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, there is a rarely-seen five-courtyard residence. Its whitewashed walls and black tiles give it a poetic charm. In this episode, we will visit Yao Guang's former residence, a spacious mansion, to experience the charm of Jiangnan folk mansions. A hundred years ago, Yao Guang, a bibliophile and literary figure during the late Qing Dynasty, lived a remarkable life in this idyllic home, surrounded by books, friends, and his own writings. Join Michelle Qiao as she visits Yao Guang's former residence to explore a story of tranquility!

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