Four treasures that open the door to an ancient art

Tan Weiyun
There are a few items you need to have, each playing a crucial role, when you're about to start out on a journey to mastering the ancient art of calligraphy.
Tan Weiyun
SSI ļʱ

Edited by Tan Weiyun. Subtitles by Tan Weiyun.

Starting Chinese calligraphy from scratch?

No worries! Focus on acquiring the basic tools: a soft brush for those fluid strokes, smooth and absorbent rice paper that captures every mark, quality ink that flows rich and dark, and a sturdy inkstone for grinding and mixing. Each tool plays a crucial role in learning the art.

These four treasures open the door to mastering calligraphy, combining tradition with your unique touch. Step into this ancient art with just these essentials, and let your calligraphy journey begin.

SSI ļʱ

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