Crafting a fulfilling career in intricate art of paper quilling

Jiang Mengyu
Li Xiao has become a master of the venerable craft of paper quilling and has created a vocation that has deep personal significance for her.
Jiang Mengyu
Crafting a fulfilling career in intricate art of paper quilling
Dong Hong

Li Xiao utilizes the art of paper quilling as a creative medium to express her love for life.

Li Xiao, an artist closely tied to the essence of oriental aesthetics, lives in Jiangqiao Town’s Jinlai neighborhood.

She has breathed life into the delicate domain of paper with over a decade of unwavering dedication, becoming a virtuoso in the ancient art of paper quilling and building a profoundly meaningful career.

Paper quilling, which dates back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279), requires delicate rolls, exact folds and artistic pinches to create beautiful designs.

Crafting a fulfilling career in intricate art of paper quilling

Li Xiao’s cake sculptures are incredibly lifelike.

Li excels at cubism. Her three-dimensional cake sculptures, made from 1-millimeter-wide strips of paper, perfectly mimic the texture of rich chocolate crumbs and the vibrancy of ripe fruit slices. Each piece shows her passion and refusal to hasten creativity.

Li began paper quilling in 2013 while working for a foreign trading company. Her initial foray into this intricate art form was akin to crossing a river by feeling the stones — an endeavor fraught with challenges. But Li persisted due to her passion for the craft.

Li founded the Muyantang Art Studio with her husband, Chen Haihua. They share their origami knowledge through community workshops and educational programs for teachers and kids.

Crafting a fulfilling career in intricate art of paper quilling

The intricate art of paper quilling requires patience, precision and a skilled hand to create beautiful, three-dimensional designs.

Li’s solo exhibition, “Derivation: Illuminating the Secrets of Spring,” in Jiading in February showcased the peak of paper quilling expertise with over 40 stunning pieces featuring botanical designs.

“Paper quilling has suffused my life with boundless joy, and my fervent wish is to extend this beauty to a wider audience,” says Li.

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