Heartfelt comedy film to be released overseas

Xu Wei
The well-received Chinese comedy film "Be My Family" will be released in theaters in North America, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Ireland on November 17.
Xu Wei
Heartfelt comedy film to be released overseas

The film's special screening in Shanghai was a big success.

The well-received Chinese comedy film "Be My Family" will be released in theaters in North America, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Ireland on November 17.

The film, which hit cinemas across China on Friday (November 10), has impressed audiences with its amusing and touching depiction of a family without blood ties.

Set in a small town in northeast China in the 1990s, the film centers on a pair of good friends who make a living running a hardware store. Looking to collect a debt, they ultimately adopt the daughter of the debtor. From then on, the destinies of the three are closely intertwined.

The film is the latest offering by director Zhang Dapeng, known for his short film "What Is Peppa Pig." The script was revised nine times to offer true insights into people's lives decades ago.

Heartfelt comedy film to be released overseas

Chinese actor Zhang Yi plays the leading role in the movie.

Heartfelt comedy film to be released overseas

A still from "Be My Family," which is about two buddies who adopt the daughter of a debtor.

"I incorporated my own understanding and emotions into the film, and some characters of the film also have their prototypes," director Zhang, said at the film's special screening in Shanghai.

Old communication device Beepers, an old-fashioned tricycle and costumes are also portrayed in the film to evoke a nostalgia for China in the 1990s.

Chinese actor Zhang Yi is adept at depicting "small potatoes" on the screen. With many credits like "Impasse," "The Knockout" and "Dearest," the actor always takes the lives of ordinary people to heart.

"I am touched by the choice made by the father in the movie to protect his daughter," Zhang said. "Some fantasy scenes of the film have their metaphors. I hope the film can inspire everyone to think and discuss."

Heartfelt comedy film to be released overseas

A poster for "Be My Family"

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