Shanghai Party secretary meets Danish foreign minister to deepen bilateral cooperation

Xu Fang
Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining met with Danish Foreign Minister Lars Rasmussen and his delegation on Thursday.
Xu Fang
Shanghai Party secretary meets Danish foreign minister to deepen bilateral cooperation

Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining shakes hands with Danish Foreign Minister Lars Rasmussen

Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining met with Danish Foreign Minister Lars Rasmussen and his delegation on Thursday.

Chen introduced the latest Shanghai economic and social development. He said that this year marks the 15th anniversary of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Denmark, and the development momentum of the bilateral relationship is good, with fruitful pragmatic cooperation.

Since forging a friendship with the Central Denmark Region, Shanghai has had frequent exchanges with the region in various fields. As the economic center of China, Shanghai's openness, innovation and inclusiveness are its most distinctive characteristics. The city is willing to better leverage its own advantages in order to make greater contributions to the continued healthy and stable development of bilateral relations.

Chen expressed hope for further strengthening cooperation, deepening understanding, complementing advantages, expanding cooperation space and improving cooperation levels in areas such as trade and commerce, shipping services and green and low-carbon transformation.

This would drive new progress and effectiveness in cooperative management and humanistic exchanges, and jointly build a more solid bridge of friendship between the two countries.

Rasmussen expressed pleasure in his visit to Shanghai and is impressed by the prosperous and vibrant modern metropolis. He promised to deepen practical exchanges and cooperation in all fields, further deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between Denmark and China, support Danish companies' investment and business development in China, and carry out deeper and broader cooperation in areas such as green and low-carbon transformation, professional shipping services and supply chain construction.

He also hoped to rely on the investment-gathering fair to strengthen the promotion of high-quality products and better achieve win-win development, while enhancing the welfare of the two peoples.

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