Mental health crisis looms for Gen-Z: experts

Li Qian
A survey showed that of the top 10 diseases suffered by China's adolescents, anxiety ranked in fifth place, depression was seventh, and conduct disorders were eighth.
Li Qian

A mental health crisis is looming in China's Gen-Z group, experts said in a lecture held recently at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.

A survey showed that of the top 10 diseases suffered by China's adolescents, anxiety ranked in fifth place, depression was seventh, and conduct disorders were eighth, said psychologist Sun Jinhua of the Children's Hospital at Fudan University.

Of the children and teenagers who suffered from depression, 77.39 percent were troubled by interpersonal relationships, 69.57 by family relationships, 53.91 percent by academic pressure, and 45.65 percent by lack of sleep, he said.

All of these pressures could increase the risks of intentional injuries, said Gong Hairong, a doctor in the hospital's department of critical care medicine.

Gong suggested schools carry out "mental checkups" for students every year.

Currently, her team, working with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, is conducting research into monitoring the mental health of children to prevent possible intentional injuries. She hopes to promote the work to 60 children's hospitals by the end of 2025.

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