Doctors in Shanghai reconnect man's penis

Cai Wenjun
Doctors at Shanghai No. 9 People's Hospital successfully reconnect a penis after the man was attacked by his wife in neighboring city of Wuxi. 
Cai Wenjun

Doctors from Shanghai No. 9 People's Hospital successfully reconnected the penis of a man after it was chopped off by his wife, the hospital said on Wednesday.

The patient was rushed to Shanghai No. 9 early on Sunday after a local hospital in Wuxi in neighboring Jiangsu Province carried out early treatment.

The man underwent urgent surgery in Shanghai as the delay, with the possibility of blood vessels shrinking, would have made it difficult to reconnect the organ. 

The victim's entire penis and urethra had been snapped with only 1-centimeter skin on the side of the penis still connected to the body.

“It is a very delicate task connecting all the broken vessels and nerves to ensure its primary function. Fortunately, the broken part only left the body for five hours and the section was relatively clear and tidy,” said Dr Yao Haijun, chief surgeon at Shanghai No. 9 Hospital.

"This kind of surgery is like embroidery, a challenge to a doctor's skills, technique, patience and eyesight," Yao said.

After a five-hour surgery, the doctors reconnected the urethra, two arteries, three veins and two nerves.

The blood supply to the penis was good, which means that the surgery was successful and the penis’ function was preserved.

Doctors said the best time to connect the male organ back if it is broken is within six to eight hours. Through microsurgery, about 80 percent of normal erection function can be regained.

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