Experts' advice could help with Victoria Beckham's bunions

Cai Wenjun
Local medics work with doctors at home and abroad to formulate an international guideline on surgery for a foot deformity mostly suffered by women, including the UK celebrity.
Cai Wenjun
Experts' advice could help with Victoria Beckham's bunions
Ti Gong

The international guideline issued by 10 hospitals in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, the United States and Singapore.

Local medical experts have led a team of doctors at home and abroad to release an international guideline on minimally invasive surgery for hallux valgus, a common forefoot deformity, especially among high-heel lovers such as Victoria Beckham. She has been in UK headlines repeatedly for the issue.

Hallux valgus (HV), also known as bunions, means the forefoot metatarsal bones are not aligned, the foot gets wider and the bones protrude behind the big toe and the fifth toe.

The precise cause is not fully understood though HV tends to occur more commonly in women than in men, and more in those who wear tight shoes or heels. It can cause pain, a difficulty in walking and deformed feet.

"Surgery is the major treatment, however many patients are afraid of receiving an operation," said Dr Shi Zhongmin from Shanghai 6th People's Hospital, which led the research. "So our team has been dedicated in the research and promotion of minimally invasive surgery, which has been evolved into the third generation with clinical evidence for achieving favorable outcomes through minimally invasive osteotomy and stable internal fixation.

"However, it has higher requirements on doctors and needs professional training and practice to ensure surgical effects and reduce complications."

Experts' advice could help with Victoria Beckham's bunions
Ti Gong

A foot with HV before (left) and after surgery at Shanghai 6th People's Hospital.

Local experts teamed up with 10 hospitals from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, the United States and Singapore to work out an international guideline which provides recommendations for indications, contraindications, operative planning and techniques, post-operative management, management of complications, and prognosis of the technology.

It has been published by world-leading Journal of Orthopaedic Translation.

According to experts, HV surgery is not simply plastic surgery, but a comprehensive treatment to help patients regain their forefoot function through an individualized surgical approach and pain management.

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