AI systems, innovative products at expo for the elderly

A community canteen for elderly citizens
A range of cutting-edge products, services, and solutions for the elderly are on display at an expo that opened in the Pudong New Area on Thursday to support the "silver economy." These include wearable joint walking assistive equipment, smart walking sticks, AI alarm systems, and intelligent health activity rooms.
The three-day International Exhibition of Senior Care, Rehabilitation Medicine, and Healthcare Shanghai 2024, also known as China Aid, features about 450 exhibitors, including those from Australia, the Netherlands, and Japan, showcasing their latest products and services.
The six sections – senior-care services, nursing services, rehabilitative devices, medical treatment and rehabilitation, health management, and livable architecture – occupy 46,000 square meters.

Playing games at the expo
An artificial intelligence (AI) alarm system, the first of its kind in China, enables seniors to alert others to an emergency by simply knocking on a wall or desk. The system recognizes the signal by pounding on the surface and supports dialect alerts.
A health stick can perform a wide range of functions, including motion tracking, remote phone communication, monitoring, and recording exercise amounts, and fall alert support.
By combining bionics and sophisticated human-computer interaction, wearable joint walking assistive technology can enhance the quality of life and health of people with weak hip joints by enabling them to walk.
An assortment of sports and rehabilitation-focused toys and games are available in the intelligence health activity area for senior adults. This helps seniors create healthy lifestyles through regular practice, thus preventing and postponing the process of cognitive decline.
Overseas exhibitors have been quite enthusiastic about the expo. For example, an Australian exhibitor is showcasing smart nursing, healthy eating, and training solutions, and a Japanese business brought an extremely light wheelchair that weighs only 9.3 kilograms.

Bathing equipment
The event has developed into a top-tier industry fair focused on the well-being of the elderly.
The Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau and the Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai have been jointly holding the event since 2000.
This year, 25 percent of the exhibitors are showcasing new innovations and products related to science and technology for the elderly.
These also include a millimeter wave radar monitoring system, geriatric respiratory and sleep management, and wearable intelligent devices that are portable.

Trying out a wheelchair.
Event info:
Date: 9:30am-5pm, June 13-14; 9:30am-3pm, June 15
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center 上海新国际博览中心
Address: 2345 Longyang Road, the Pudong New Area 浦东新区龙阳路2345号