Robocops guard Spring Festival travelers

Twenty robot policemen are patrolling the north railway station in Shenzhen to help keep passengers safe during the Spring Festival travel rush.
Robocops guard Spring Festival travelers

A police officer helps a child interact with one of the automated police robots at Shenzhen North railway station during the Spring Festival travel rush in Shenzhen City, south China's Guangdong Province, on February 7, 2018.

Some 20 robot policemen are patrolling the north railway station in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, help keep passengers safe during the Spring Festival travel rush.

The robots, about 1 meter high, have been on the job since Wednesday. They can aid their human colleagues in duties, such as asking passengers passengers not to smoke and searching for suspects.

Passengers can also get in touch with the human policemen through the video conversation systems on the robots' faces.

Some of the robots danced to amuse the passengers and some offered services such as blood pressure tests and news reporting.

This year's 40-day Spring Festival travel rush began on February 1. About 3 billion trips are expected to be made during the period.

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