Technical capabilities for high-speed transport passage between Fujian, Taiwan in place: official

The technical capabilities for the construction of a high-speed passage between Fujian Province on the Chinese mainland and the Taiwan region are already in place.
Technical capabilities for high-speed transport passage between Fujian, Taiwan in place: official

The Fuzhou-Xiamen high-speed rail is under construction in April 2023.

The technical capabilities for the construction of a high-speed passage between Fujian Province on the Chinese mainland and the Taiwan region are already in place, a Chinese government official said on Thursday.

Addressing a press conference, Cong Liang, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, called for joint efforts to realize the shared dream of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to travel across the Strait on high-speed trains as soon as possible.

Cong added that goods from Taiwan will also be able to reach the Eurasian market via the China-Europe Railway Express and other transportation means once cross-Strait infrastructure connectivity is ready.

In recent years, relevant departments have vigorously promoted the planning and construction of traffic infrastructure in Fujian, and an integrated multidimensional transportation network has been built in the province, making it technically possible to build a high-speed transport passage linking the province with Taiwan, Cong said.

This has provided a solid foundation for advancing infrastructure connectivity across the Strait, he added.

Deliver green electricity

The Chinese mainland already has the conditions required to deliver green electricity to Taiwan on a large scale and is willing to strengthen energy cooperation across the Taiwan Strait.

The scale of hydropower, wind power and photovoltaic power generation in the mainland has ranked first in the world for many years, while the mainland also has the world's most advanced wind and photovoltaic power production capacity and long-distance power transmission and transformation capacity, Cong said.

In particular, clean energy is developing rapidly in Fujian Province, he said, noting that the shoals of the outer beaches of southern Fujian are suitable for the development of offshore wind power, and have the conditions necessary for large-scale transmission of green electricity to Taiwan.

The mainland is willing to strengthen cross-Strait energy cooperation and jointly promote green energy transition with Taiwan, Cong said.

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