Photo of pregnant doctor kneeling to inject patients touches netizens

Chen Xiaoli
A photo showing a pregnant doctor kneeling on the ground to inject a patient with anesthesia has touched the hearts of Chinese netizens.
Chen Xiaoli
Photo of pregnant doctor kneeling to inject patients touches netizens

A photo showing a pregnant doctor kneeling on the ground to inject a patient with anesthesia has touched the hearts of Chinese netizens.

The doctor in the photo, Du Jiao, works as an anesthesiologist at a hospital in Anshun, Guizhou Province, Knews reported.

She is now over seven months pregnant but has insisted on kneeling to inject her patients for four months.

Each time she uses the edge of the bed as a support as she kneels down and then stands back up.

She said the injections require extremely high accuracy, so she kneels on the ground to avoid any mistake that may be caused due to her pregnancy.

Chinese netizens were greatly touched by her professional dedication, saying: "She's an angel in white who deserves our respect."

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