Emma Leaning

When a city speaks: Shanghai in a thousand stories - China Opinion

When a city speaks: Shanghai in a thousand stories

Shanghai isn't my city, or your city. It's our city. And we're writing its future together, one story at a time.
Pet photography raises awareness for animals in need - Lifestyle in China

Pet photography raises awareness for animals in need

Emma and her dogs, Bodhi and Finn, visited HappyPawPaw to meet founder Allen Lee. They discussed how Lee's pet photography is helping stray animals find their forever homes.
The many faces of grief: Why losses you can't see hurt the most - China Opinion

The many faces of grief: Why losses you can't see hurt the most

What happens when loss doesn’t fit neatly into a framework?
Why your pets are happier than you - MENTAL in China

Why your pets are happier than you

Life doesn't need to be perfect; it just needs to be lived.
Lessons from the football field: What 'Ted Lasso' has taught me - China Opinion

Lessons from the football field: What 'Ted Lasso' has taught me

Pretty words have no place in a painful moment. Or do they?
The warrior within: life lessons from the terracotta army - China Opinion

The warrior within: life lessons from the terracotta army

What if in each of us there's a warrior waiting to be unearthed?
Forget the Olympics, we all deserve a medal - China Opinion

Forget the Olympics, we all deserve a medal

This is not an article against the Olympics. It’s a case for everyday champions battling everyday situations with all the strength and training they can muster.
The real cost of expat life: What we miss and why it matters - China Opinion

The real cost of expat life: What we miss and why it matters

Should we live the life we want or put the people we love first? And when we make our choice, do we still get to mourn the things we miss?
China through your eyes: lessons on life and perspectives from the community - China Opinion

China through your eyes: lessons on life and perspectives from the community

The world has an opinion on China. How would things be different if we were more willing to adopt a different point of view?
Grow down: a remedy for adult life - China Opinion

Grow down: a remedy for adult life

Embracing our inner child allows us to forgive ourselves for supposed wrongs while making space for self-acceptance and personal growth.