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NASA's Hubble space telescope captures "jellyfish galaxy"

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured trailing tentacles of stars that make out a "jellyfish galaxy," according to a picture released recently by the agency.

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured trailing tentacles of stars that make out a "jellyfish galaxy," according to a picture released recently by the agency.

As "jellyfish galaxies" move through intergalactic space, gas is slowly stripped away forming trails that resemble tendrils illuminated by clumps of star formation.

This "jellyfish galaxy," known as JO201, lies in the constellation Cetus, which is named after a sea monster from ancient Greek mythology, according to NASA.

Astronomers hope the observation will provide a better understanding of the connection between ram-pressure stripping, the process that creates the tendrils of jellyfish galaxies, and star formation said NASA.

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