What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

Chen Jie Shen Ke
Instead of a forecast with specific figures, the nation may better focus its resources on stabilizing employment and safeguarding livelihoods this year.
Chen Jie Shen Ke
What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • No specific target for economic growth

Not setting a specific target for economic growth will enable all of us to concentrate on ensuring stability on the six fronts and security in the six areas.

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Over 9 million new urban job;
  • CPI increase of around 3.5%;
  • More stable and higher-quality imports and exports, and a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments;
  • Growth in personal income that is basically in step with economic growth;
  • Elimination of poverty among all rural residents living below the current poverty line and in all poor counties;
  • Effective prevention and control of major financial risks;
  • A further drop in energy consumption per unit of GDP and the discharge of major pollutants;
  • Accomplishment of the 13th Five-Year Plan.

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Increase credit supply, extend the coverage of export credit insurance
  • Lower compliance costs for imports and exports
  • Make good preparations for the third China International Import Expo
  • Shorten the negative list for foreign investment
  • Open new free trade zones
  • Advance free trade negotiations with Japan and the Republic of Korea as well as other countries
  • Work with the United States to implement the phase one China-US economic and trade agreement

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Reform the system for disease prevention and control
  • Improve mechanisms for direct reporting and early warning of infectious diseases
  • Increase inputs into the R&D of vaccines, medicines, and rapid testing technologies
  • Raise government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and nonworking urban residents by an average of 30 yuan per person
  • Pilot inter-provincial on the spot settlement of outpatient bills through basic medical insurance accounts
  • Promote development of traditional Chinese medicine.

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • The deficit to GDP ratio this year is projected at more than 3.6%, with a deficit increase of 1 trillion yuan over last year.
  • One trillion yuan of government bonds for COVID19 control will be issued.
  • The central government will commit to negative growth in its budgetary spending, with a more than 50% cut to outlays on nonessential and non-obligatory items.

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Enable M2 money supply and aggregate financing to grow at notably higher rates than last year
  • Promote steady reduction of interest rates

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Provide more than 35 million vocational skills training opportunities
  • Enrollment in vocational colleges will grow by 2 million

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Ensure all remaining poor people are lifted out of poverty
  • Deepen collaboration on poverty alleviation between the eastern and western regions
  • Conduct nationwide poverty reduction survey

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Additional savings of more than 2.5 trillion yuan for enterprises throughout the year
  • Further tax and fee cuts of about 500 billion yuan
  • Extend the policy of 5% reduction in electricity prices for general industrial and commercial businesses till the end of the year
  • 15% rate cuts for broadband and dedicated Internet access service

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Lower or exempt rents for state-owned premises

  • The policy allowing micro, small, and medium businesses to postpone principal and interest repayments on loans will be extended till the end of next March
  • Encourage banks to substantially increase credit loans, first-time loans, and loan renewals without repayment of principal for micro and small businesses
  • Location restrictions on business registration applying to micro and small enterprises and self-employed people will be relaxed
  • Large commercial banks should increase inclusive finance lending to micro and small businesses by more than 40%.
  • Markedly increase medium and long-term loans to manufacturers
  • Support the growth of venture capital investment and increase guaranteed loans for start-ups

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Access more government services via a single website and complete all procedures for starting a business online
  • Reform the ChiNext stock market and pilot a registration-based IPO system
  • Improve the system of state capital regulation and intensify mixed ownership reform of SOEs
  • Accelerate the development of national laboratories

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Support the recovery and development of consumer services

  • Promote the integration of online and offline consumption
  • Develop elderly and child care services
  • Upgrade pedestrian streets
  • Roll out e-commerce and express delivery services in rural areas to expand rural consumption

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Issue 3.75 trillion yuan of special local government bonds, up 1.6 trillion yuan from last year
  • Embark 600 billion yuan for investment in the central government budget
  • Priority will be given to:
  • New infrastructure: next-generation information networks, 5G applications, charging facilities for new-energy automobiles
  • New urbanization initiatives: improving public facilities and services in county seats, renovation of 39,000 old urban residential communities, installation of elevators in residential buildings
  • Major projects: transportation and water conservancy projects, national railway development capital up by 100 billion yuan.

What is China going to accomplish in 2020?

  • Step up construction of sewage and garbage treatment facilities

  • Accelerate relocation and transformation of producers of hazardous chemical products
  • Severely punish illegal hunting and trading of wild animals

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What is China going to accomplish in 2020?
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