◦ GF Securities
China's insurance market has 'tremendous opportunities' lie ahead, forum heard - China Economy News

China's insurance market has 'tremendous opportunities' lie ahead, forum heard

Guo Lei chief economist of GF Securities discussed Chinas macroeconomic situation and capital market trends emphasizing the potential of equity assets in achieving sustainable growth....
Reading the tea leaves of China's economic development - China Economy News

Reading the tea leaves of China's economic development

Guo Lei chief economist at GF Securities
AI technology boosts revenue and cuts costs for companies - China Tech News

AI technology boosts revenue and cuts costs for companies

Firms from Haier GF Securities Red and PwC shared their experiences on business decision AI.
AI startup secures millions in investment - China Tech News

AI startup secures millions in investment

The fundraising was led by Huazhi Capital followed by GF Securities Investment.
BOE to spend 12b yuan on production lines - China Tech News

BOE to spend 12b yuan on production lines

After the acquisition BOE should be able to improve production capacity and expand into the high end market especially at the level of 50 inch 58 inch and 70 inch models GF Securities...
JD Digits in partnership with GF Securities - China Finance News

JD Digits in partnership with GF Securities

JD Digits has announced a partnership with GF Securities Hong Kong Brokerage Ltd with the the digital technology company providing intelligent customer services and back office operational...
New valuation system for high-tech, innovation firms on STAR Market - China Finance News

New valuation system for high-tech, innovation firms on STAR Market

The valuation standards clarify the IPO process which will cut costs and time for IPO preparation in the STAR Market said Dai Kang an analyst at GF Securities.
AMEC becomes first 100-billion-yuan company on STAR Market - China Tech News

AMEC becomes first 100-billion-yuan company on STAR Market

More STAR firms will surpass the 50 billion yuan or even 100 billion yuan this year GF Securities said in a recent note.
US trade talks boost market - China Economy News

US trade talks boost market

Home appliances sales will come under further pressure from falling exports and a sluggish property market but growth would pick up in the second half GF Securities wrote in a research.
Smartmi aims to establish smart home eco-system with AI-featured air-conditioner - China Tech News

Smartmi aims to establish smart home eco-system with AI-featured air-conditioner

With advanced online data management and user feedback systems firms like Xiaomi and Smartmi have the ability to create best selling products said GF Securities in a note.