Arrival of Wi-Fi 7 technology to enhance connectivity in key industries

A comparison between Wi-Fi 7 and the previous generation of Wi-Fi technologies.
A new wireless technology – Wi-Fi 7 – which is set to revolutionize speed and stability of Internet access, will soon be implemented in schools, factories, and hospitals, tech giant Huawei Technologies said in Shanghai on Wednesday.
Compared with previous technology, Wi-Fi 7 is faster, supports more connections, and is more adaptive to maintain reliable low-latency performance. Based on Wi-Fi 7 technology, Huawei will build a 10-gigabytes per second network for enterprises and organizations in nine industries, covering education, medical and finance, it said.
Huawei claims Wi-Fi 7 delivers nearly triple the bandwidth of its predecessors, with wireless connection speeds reaching up to 18.67 Gbps and peak download speeds of 3.3 Gbps on a single mobile device. In a demonstration, a 10GB Blu-ray video was downloaded in 33 seconds.
The new technology is a part of digital transformation nationwide, towards high-quality economy development in "hundreds of industries," said Wang Lei, Huawei Datacom product line president.
In 2023, Huawei Datacom business grew almost 40 percent year on year in the enterprise market, Wang added.
Several top-of-the-line Android smartphones, including models from Huawei and Xiaomi, are already equipped to support Wi-Fi 7, indicating a swift adoption of the technology in the consumer market.