Startup betting on the smart home market

Zhu Shenshen
Yunmi releases systems and devices that include Internet-connected refrigerators with touchscreens and a washing machine that utilises artificial intelligence.
Zhu Shenshen

Startup Yunmi is betting on the smart home market with the release of Internet of Things (IoT) systems and devices.

Its systems include Internet-connected refrigerators with touchscreens and a washing machine featuring artificial intelligence.

A new chip called Wuji, which has Wi-Fi 6 and IoT technologies, lets users control home appliances with their voice, according to Yunmi, whose major investors including Xiaomi Corp.

Smartphone vendors Xiaomi, Huawei and Oppo are all expanding into the smart home and IoT sectors at a time when smartphone sales are in decline. 

Yunmi’s refrigerator has a 21-inch touchscreen in addition to voice activation.

Its EyeBot washing machine supports voice control and intelligent drying functions. Another new product is a Sealink router for connected home appliances.

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