Shanghai fan club celebrates Michael Jackson's 66th birthday

Ke Jiayun
The Michael Jackson Shanghai Fan Club is celebrating the 66th anniversary of Michael Jackson's birthday, with an exclusive vinyl listening party in Shanghai on August 31.
Ke Jiayun
Shanghai fan club celebrates Michael Jackson's 66th birthday

Celebrate the 66th anniversary of Michael Jackson's birthday, with an exclusive vinyl listening party in Shanghai on August 31.

Hosted by the Michael Jackson Shanghai Fan Club, the event will take place at the one of the city's dedicated vinyl "library."

Guests can experience the magic of Jackson's music played on a high-end vinyl record player, creating a warm, immersive sound that takes you back to the recording studio.

Examine rare Jackson collectibles, including out-of-print vinyl records, DVDs, and tapes, while soaking in the retro atmosphere of the unique space.

Engage with expert talks on vinyl history and the stories behind Jackson's albums, and connect with fellow fans who will share their own collections and experiences.

Shanghai fan club celebrates Michael Jackson's 66th birthday

With interactive activities, special retro-themed prizes, and a custom-made birthday cake, the event promises to be a memorable celebration.

Limited to 50 participants, registration is required to join this one-of-a-kind gathering. Secure your spot now and be part of a special tribute to the King of Pop in Shanghai.

Date: August 31, 2:30pm to 5pm

Venue: Jiaoji Vinyl Art Space 上海胶集黑胶文化艺术共享空间

Address: 3M, Bldg B, 218 Wending Rd 文定路218号B楼3M

Tickets:149 yuan per person (includes coffee and snacks) / 129 yuan per person (includes tea)

Limited to 50 participants. Registration is required. You can add the event organizer on WeChat: 521134660.

Shanghai fan club celebrates Michael Jackson's 66th birthday

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