Nine Trees Future Art Center branching out

The Nine Trees Future Art Center has become a cultural brand in Shanghai.
The Nine Trees Future Art Center in the city's suburban Fengxian District celebrated its fifth anniversary on Friday with a round-table forum on the future of theaters with multiple functions.
Since its opening in 2019, the center with chamber theaters, forest theater and waterfront stage, has hosted more than 2,700 high-quality performances and exhibitions, attracting over 2.44 million visitors. It has become a cultural brand in Shanghai.

Many high-quality performances have been hosted at the center since its opening in 2019.

In the past five years, performances and exhibitions at the center have attracted over 2.44 million visitors.
Statistics from the center show that among the various performances, drama and dance drama are the most popular ones. Next year the center will continue to introduce diverse performances to cater for different audiences.
The center is also a platform for art education and cultural promotion. It provides young artists opportunities to create original works and showcase talents on the stage.

The center also explores innovative modes for performances.

A pet carnival
Some of its plays are tailor-made for specific groups of audience. Food and live performances are combined to offer audiences fresh theater-going experiences.
In addition to performances, the center is also a venue for free film screenings, creative bazaars, pet carnivals and folk arts showcase.
Next year, the center will host pet concerts and other creative cultural and tourism activities to enrich people's lives.
If you go:
Venue: Nine Trees Future Art Center 九棵树(上海)未来艺术中心
Address: 99 Shuhuan Rd 奉贤区树桓路99号

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