Males account for 98% monkeypox cases reported on China mainland
The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has recorded 127 new cases of monkeypox on the mainland in October.
These cases span 20 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, with no reported serious cases or fatalities.
Guangdong Province leads in the number of newly reported cases with 17, followed by Shanghai with 16 cases in October. Among the reported cases, 98.2 percent are males, with 90 percent confirmed as males who had sexual contact with another male. Only two cases involved females.
Except for two cases resulting from close contact with an infected person, the transmission of the disease is predominantly through sexual contact. The risk of transmission through other means is low.
Approximately 97.2 percent of cases were identified when patients sought hospital diagnosis and treatment, 1.8 percent were close contacts, and the remainder were identified through voluntary reporting or screening.
Common symptoms for most monkeypox patients include fever, herpes, and enlarged lymph glands.