◦ Chongming Island
Low carbon, health care challenges discussed at the Shanghai-Taiwan symposium - Shanghai Metro News

Low carbon, health care challenges discussed at the Shanghai-Taiwan symposium

He stated that Taiwan and Shanghai particularly Chongming Island have enormous potential for cooperation in this area.
Competitive cyclists enjoy an island tour on China Tourism Day - Sport News

Competitive cyclists enjoy an island tour on China Tourism Day

The second Chongming Island rally attracted almost 2,500 participants who had a choice of two routes which strung together cultural venues and tourist attractions on the island.
Shanghai heads to the finish line of becoming an elite global marathon - China In Focus News
In Focus

Shanghai heads to the finish line of becoming an elite global marathon

Closer to home a half marathon race on Shanghais Chongming Island increased hotel occupancy with sites like the Sheraton and local inns reporting no vacancies.
Disney resort honors natural world for Earth Month - Travel in China

Disney resort honors natural world for Earth Month

In a continued effort to raise environmental consciousness and bolster conservation initiatives Disney VoluntEARS will engage in a cleanup project in Dongtan Chongming Island to...
Cardiothoracic surgeon finds field 'most delicate ... most challenging' - Wellness in China

Cardiothoracic surgeon finds field 'most delicate ... most challenging'

Ding gave the example of a surgery two years ago when an elderly patient diagnosed with type A aortic dissection was immediately transferred from Chongming Island to the hospital...
Back of the net for Shanghai Port manager - Sport News

Back of the net for Shanghai Port manager

The fans were then invited to the clubs tree planting activity on Chongming Island an annual event intended to bring hope for the club in the new season.
Good weather sparks people's desire for travel - China Nation News

Good weather sparks people's desire for travel

Shanghai Disney Resort Chongming Island where a spring flower festival is held and ancient towns such as Jinze and Fengjing as well as natural attractions ioncluding Qingxi Country...
Stranded ship becomes an Internet sensation - Shanghai Metro News

Stranded ship becomes an Internet sensation

A stranded vessel near the coastline of Changxing Islands Panyuan Road on Chongming Island has suddenly gained online popularity attracting netizens to watch and take photos.
Something for everyone in this round-up of Spring Festival events in 16 districts - Shanghai Metro News

Something for everyone in this round-up of Spring Festival events in 16 districts

Features Jiangnan Sanmin Cultural Village is in the central northern part of Chongming Island.
Shanghai relaxes housing policies for non-locals - China Property News

Shanghai relaxes housing policies for non-locals

Starting from Wednesday non Shanghai single residents will be allowed to buy one housing including new and second hand unit outside the Outer Ring Road except Chongming Island...