International Business Leaders' Advisory Council opens

The 35th International Business Leaders' Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai opens on Sunday morning under the theme "Changes and new opportunities: making Shanghai a more robust and resilient international metropolis."
Top multinational executives and guests of the mayor of Shanghai have praised the city's continuous efforts to follow advice from top minds and maintain an open-minded stance to engage in dialogues with leading companies from all walks of life.
The 35th International Business Leaders' Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai opens on Sunday morning under the theme "Changes and new opportunities: making Shanghai a more robust and resilient international metropolis."

IBLAC members and guests took a tour along Suzhou Creek and visited historical buildings in downtown Jing'an District on Saturday.
Chairman Jean-Paul Agon at L'Oréal Group, an old friend of Shanghai, praised the IBLAC's role in promoting conversations and signaling the city's stance of opening up.
Having paid more than a dozen visits to Shanghai over more than 20 years, he became a guest of the mayor for the IBLAC in 2019 and has submitted advice to the council since 2020.
"To my knowledge, such an advisory board is the only one in the world and I really applaud this initiative which is extremely constructive and positive to create a great spirit of collaboration," he said.
Shanghai is becoming the heart of innovation for L'Oréal and the source of the development of new brands and new products around the world, he added.
"Many of the ideas that have been brought here have been followed by the authorities," he said. "I hope to bring new ideas and continue to work with the Shanghai government and other stakeholders to support Shanghai to further embraces diversity, innovation, sustainable development, and endless possibilities."
Tapestry's Chief Executive Officer Joanne Crevoiserat said she's looking forward to the development opportunities ahead for China and the upcoming CIIE next month.
"I'm excited to be at the IBLAC meetings and the opportunity that Shanghai is presenting which welcomes more international consumer companies," she said.
"We're drawing inspiration from the local market to bring that around the world and we'd love to unveil new product at the CIIE. It is a fantastic venue for new launches and at the same time also a chance for conversations with local partnerships and build businesses."
It also stays focused on young consumers and new designers which provides sources of inspiration for fashion retailers.

Shanghai already has a nice position, living quality and international scene for overseas visitors and academia, and can attract more talented personnel, said Professor Hans Uszkoreit at the European Academy of Sciences.
"Research institutions can offer very prestigious and selective fellowships to provide top scientist and researchers with opportunities with short-term stay," he suggested.
"Shanghai has the potential to become an AI hub given the industrial clusters built here, especially in terms of finance, electric vehicles and aerospace which provide rich application scenarios," he explained.

Shen Yu Lane is part of the urban renewal project in Jing'an District.
Shui On Group Chairman Vincent H.S. Lo who has participated in the council meeting many times said he he has witnessed the results of city officials' taking advice from social and economic development and following achievements.
"I see a lot of chance for Shanghai to further enhance urban renovation and optimization to reposition itself and become liveable and attractive for researchers and entrepreneurs," he said.
"Urban renewal will provide a good chance for Shanghai to comprehensively enhance its vitality, charm, and competitiveness to building an excellent global city," he noted.
Shanghai already has a strong economic and social vitality and shall take a step ahead to win over world level talents.
He suggests Shanghai build a central activity zone with super mixed-use urban functions to meet the needs of digital economy development.
Shanghai shall also pursue innovative transformation of urban villages to revitalize historical and cultural heritage in line with the millennial lifestyle.