"Flower Young Art Exhibition" shows innovative reuse of waste items

Hu Min
Residents of Yangpu District have transformed trash into treasure using their imaginations and are holding an exhibition at Yangpu Park to showcase their works.
Hu Min
"Flower Young Art Exhibition" shows innovative reuse of waste items
Hu Min / SHINE

A visitor browses the "Flower Young Art Exhibition" at Yangpu Park.

A waste coconut shell is turned into a percussion instrument; an eagle flying through the sky is patterned from discarded aluminum cans; egg cartons become hairpins with flowers. The innovation of residents in Yangpu District shines in their creative endeavors.

Using their ingenious ideas, boundless imaginations, and nimble fingers, residents have transformed trash into treasure and are holding an exhibition to showcase their works.

The "Flower Young Art Exhibition" opened on Friday and will run through the end of September at Yangpu Park.

In March, greenery authorities in the district launched a recyclable resource artwork collection to raise public awareness of waste sorting and recycling.

A total of 201 artworks were collected, including 73 entries from adolescents.

"Flower Young Art Exhibition" shows innovative reuse of waste items
Hu Min / SHINE

A space-themed work is one of many on display.

Another artwork "Journey Through the Solar System - Shenzhou X Mission" created by a seven-year-old boy uses recyclable materials such as foam boxes and paper to showcase the imagination of space exploration.

"I made use of discarded aluminum cans and turned them into an eagle," said Xia Dechu, 70. "It enriched my retirement life and raises the awareness of green and low-carbon lifestyles."

In Yangpu, the amount of dry and wet trash collected daily dropped 20 percent since the city's classification regulations went into effect on July 1, 2019.

About 1,600 smart trash collection machines have been put into operation at communities across the district, which has registered about 12,000 trash sorting volunteers.

"Flower Young Art Exhibition" shows innovative reuse of waste items
Hu Min / SHINE

A 3D work is created from waste paper.

The works for the exhibition were selected based on creativity and innovation, environmental friendliness, artistic expression, technique and craftsmanship, and social significance.

The artwork "Blooming in 'Plastic'" presents a waterfall of flowers on discarded plates, using plastic pieces and newspaper, to convey the message of green and low-carbon and highlight the reuse of resources and the creativity of art.

"Silent Call: The Environmental Prayer of Reborn Scrap Iron" is a sculpture of a sitting human figure made from discarded iron pipes, posing a contrast of industry and nature and metaphorically reflecting on the ecological environment.

"Flower Young Art Exhibition" shows innovative reuse of waste items
Hu Min / SHINE

Waste cardboard is repurposed as a flower pot.

If you go:

Date: Through September 30

Venue: Yangpu Park

Address: 399 Shuangyang Road, Yangpu District 上海市杨浦区双阳路399号

"Flower Young Art Exhibition" shows innovative reuse of waste items
Hu Min / SHINE

Every item in the exhibition is unique.

"Flower Young Art Exhibition" shows innovative reuse of waste items
Hu Min / SHINE

Both of these works are made of waste materials.

"Flower Young Art Exhibition" shows innovative reuse of waste items
Hu Min / SHINE

Xia Dechu turned discarded aluminum cans into an eagle.

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