Shanghai draft law lists 'don'ts' for riverside activities

Chen Huizhi
Chen Huizhi
The draft law on the development and management of the city's riverside space along the Huangpu River and the Suzhou Creek bans and restricts certain activities.

Chen Huizhi
Chen Huizhi

Shanghai legislators are considering a law to regulate the development and management of the city's riverside space along the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek that calls for restrictions on certain activities.

The draft law proposes a ban on industrial fishing and vendors in public places along the two rivers and restricting activities such as dog walking, recreational fishing, kite flying, barbequing, line dancing, roller-skating and drone flying to certain areas and time periods.

People who violate the restrictions could be fined between 50 (US$7.8) to 500 yuan if they refuse to correct their behavior, and those who breach the ban will be fined from 100 yuan to 1,000 yuan, according to the draft law.

It's also required that signs with standard foreign languages be provided in the riverside space.

The draft law also urges governments at all levels and different government departments to work with concerted effort in planning and managing the riverside space with high quality and to ensure that opinions on the matter be solicited from residents, especially people who live in residential complexes and work in companies along the rivers.

The facilities in the public space along the rivers should be accessible to the elderly and disabled people and satisfy the needs of fire safety, first aid and emergency rescue, according to the draft law.

A total of 42 kilometers of the Suzhou Creek bank and 45 kilometers of the Huangpu River bank, mostly in downtown districts, have been made accessible to the public, with more in the works.

People can take a walk or jog along the city's two longest rivers while enjoying the sights. Sports facilities are also available in certain parts of the riverside.

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