City presents outlook for better, greener transport

Chen Huizhi
Chen Huizhi
The Shanghai government addresses complaints from local residents about deficiencies in the city's transport system with a new development plan through 2025.

Chen Huizhi
Chen Huizhi

More convenient public transportation and better taxi services are planned for Shanghai through 2025, according to the city's new five-year transport development plan released on Thursday.

And a greener transportation system too is on the anvil, as the number of buses running on clean fuel will account for 96 percent of all public transport buses by the end of the term, up from the current 67 percent, and all new taxis will run on new energy.

The new plan aims to address some complaints from local residents related to their experience of travelling within the city, such as low punctuality of certain bus lines, lack of buses close to certain Metro stations, deteriorating taxi services, shortage of footpaths and bike lanes and the often lack of parking slots at old residential complexes, hospitals and schools.

By the end of 2025, people will find bus stations within 50 meters from Metro exits at 80 percent of Metro stations. At the terminal stations of Metro lines, the timetables of buses starting at the stations will be fully aligned with the Metro schedules.

More digital bus schedule boards will be constructed at bus stops around the city with more accurate timetables, according to the plan.

The plan envisions the introduction of a unified taxi hailing platform through 2025 and the construction of more taxi stands at large shopping hubs, residential complexes and traffic junctions.

All taxi companies and drivers, including those operating online, will be included in the social credit system with closer scrutiny of their work performances.

Parking slots will continue to be sourced mainly at residential complexes, hospitals and schools and on streets, with increased occupation rate for shared ones, the plan envisages.

The government also plans to adjust the traffic infrastructure of over 300 congested spots in the city and add escalators to at least 38 pedestrian overpasses by the end of the term.

The city will also further develop its medium-capacity transit system, such as the No. 71 bus line which occupies an entire lane on the road to efficiently deliver passengers to their destinations.

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