Nyingchi hopes to lure visitors with its peach blossom festival

Hu Min
Nyingchi, a city in Tibet Autonomous Region, is holding a grand peach blossom festival and hopes that the city's visual feast will attract tourists, especially from Shanghai.
Hu Min
Nyingchi hopes to lure visitors with its peach blossom festival
Ge Hongjun

Peach blossoms in Nyingchi

Nyingchi hopes to lure visitors with its peach blossom festival
Liu Qingsong

An enchanting scenery of peach trees and snowy mountains

A grand peach blossom culture and tourism festival is set to open on March 28 in Nyingchi, a city in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. Locals are hoping its dreamy pink visual feast will win over visitors.

The festival will include a variety of activities ranging from dance performances, folk customs displays, and sports competitions to a peach-themed music festival, campfire gatherings and fashion shows, Nyingchi tourism officials announced in Shanghai on Wednesday.

The festival will last until the end of April and will be the largest in its 20-year history.

Nyingchi hopes to lure visitors with its peach blossom festival
Ti Gong


Nyingchi hopes to lure visitors with its peach blossom festival
Dong Tian

Springtime in Nyingchi

Shanghai has been collaborating with Nyingchi for years to provide assistance in its development as part of a national program.

The Tibet Autonomous Region government's Shanghai office announced that it will increase efforts to attract business investment, stimulate consumption, provide industry support, and promote Tibetan food and tourism in east China.

A number of flower appreciation tours will be made available to Shanghai residents.

Authorities and travel agencies in Shanghai and Nyingchi have signed tourism cooperation agreements worth 250 million yuan (US$36.25 million).

Nyingchi hopes to lure visitors with its peach blossom festival
Ti Gong


Nyingchi hopes to lure visitors with its peach blossom festival
Ti Gong

Shanghai residents learn about Nyingchi's tourism resources.

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