China's Zach King? Videos of iconic buildings taking flight go viral

Han Jing
Zhu Tiexiong from Putian in China's Fujian Province has gone viral online for his whimsical short videos where ancient buildings like the famous Temple of Heaven take flight.
Han Jing
Chinas Zach King? Videos of iconic buildings taking flight go viral

With the help of computer graphics, Zhu Tiexiong can make almost any building fly.

Zhu Tiexiong from Putian in southeast China’s Fujian Province has gone viral online for his whimsical short videos where ancient buildings like the famous Temple of Heaven take flight.

Chinas Zach King? Videos of iconic buildings taking flight go viral

Like flying saucers, Zhu's videos depict iconic Chinese buildings launching off the ground.

Chinas Zach King? Videos of iconic buildings taking flight go viral

Zhu taught himself computer graphics to use in his videos.

Zhu, born in 1994, majored in garden design in college. He was interested in video shooting and computer-generated special effects, so he began to learn computer graphics software by himself.

Zhu said he usually develops a full script as soon as he comes up with an idea. He then begins to prepare props and find appropriate shooting locations. It takes him about a week to make a video. He draws inspiration from everyday things in his life or videos he sees on the Internet, and incorporates his various hobbies like painting and kongfu into his videos.

Chinas Zach King? Videos of iconic buildings taking flight go viral

Zhu jumps over the Chinese character "Fu," which means blessing, made of red envelopes.

Netizens have given Zhu’s creative ideas high praise. Some have even applauded him for “completing a movie all by himself.”

Zhu said making insightful works that trigger profound thinking is his next goal. 

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