Grandma's smiles speak a thousand words for granddaughter

Han Jing
An art teacher who loves taking pictures has taken a series of warm, intimate photos of her grandmother.
Han Jing

A lively and stylish photo series of an 80-year-old woman shot by her granddaughter has received rave reviews from Chinese netizens.

Grandma's smiles speak a thousand words for granddaughter
Shen Mengchen

The smiles of Gu Jinhua, 80, are captured by her granddaughter.

Grandma's smiles speak a thousand words for granddaughter
Shen Mengchen
Grandma's smiles speak a thousand words for granddaughter
Shen Mengchen

The woman in the photos, Gu Jinhua, wrapped in a turban or wearing a straw hat, always smiles at the camera. Ordinary but relatable, one netizen wrote, "These photos made me tearful ... missing my grandma."

"I'd like to record every simple but unique moment of my grandma – benign, endearing or working," said the photographer, Shen Mengchen, 31, from Suzhou in eastern China's Jiangsu Province.

Shen is an art teacher and photography is her hobby. She was brought up by her grandma while her parents were busy earning a living. She has spent less time with her as an adult, so she decided to take photos of her as a warm, intimate experience.

She shot family photos of her grandma and her son in April, which were later widely circulated on the Internet. Shen taught her grandma photogenic poses popular among young people, and she was both cooperative and expressive.

Grandma's smiles speak a thousand words for granddaughter
Shen Mengchen

Family photos of Shen's grandma and her son have warmed the hearts of many netizens.

Grandma's smiles speak a thousand words for granddaughter
Shen Mengchen
Grandma's smiles speak a thousand words for granddaughter
Shen Mengchen

Every ordinary life moment is worth recording for Shen.

Doing laundry, making zongzi, a traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival, and celebrating a birthday – every moment of her grandma's life in Luzhi Town is worth recording for Shen. She plans to take photos of her against floral backdrops across Suzhou as grandma is fond of flowers and plants.

Grandma's smiles speak a thousand words for granddaughter
Shen Mengchen

Shen taking a photo of her grandma.

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