Chinese scientists design wearable sensors capable of monitoring facial expressions
Chinese scientists have developed an ultra-thin, anti-microbial and breathing-friendly wearable sensor that can monitor human body movements and even subtle facial expressions.
The researchers from Tsinghua University and Xi'an Polytechnic University described their design in a study published recently in the journal Nano Research.
The sensor is a three-layered nanogenerator with a sandwich structure, which can harvest renewable and abundant mechanical energy with high efficiency, according to the study.
The nanofiber in the middle serves to convert the mechanical energy into electricity, and it is plated by two nanofiber membranes on both sides, with a 110-nanometer silver layer on one side that serves as the electrode layer.
The sandwiched structure is only 91 micrometers thick and has a high air permeability and significant antibacterial effects, according to the study.
The study has revealed that the design demonstrates good sensitivity to human motion, indicating great potential for application in flexible self-powered electronic wearables and body health monitoring.