How to disinfect your home with a positive COVID case

Hu Min
Shanghai Daily walks you through the correct and safe way to disinfect your home amid the loosened COVID-19 management.
Hu Min

How to disinfect your home if there is positive COVID-19 case in your family?

Here are the 10 most commonly asked questions.

Q: What should I do in this situation?

A: Keep good ventilation and disinfect key areas such as shared toilets and items like dishware.

If the quarantined lives in a separate room, ask him or her to disinfect themselves.

Sanitizing wipes or disinfectants with low corrosion or irritation are recommended.

After the quarantine period ends, a thorough disinfection should be conducted of the entire home.

Q: How to "disinfect" the air?

A: Keep good ventilation and keep room doors closed while opening windows. Windows open two or three times a day, for at least 30 minutes each time.

Ventilating fans can be used if there is no condition for natural ventilation.

Ventilation in toilets should be particularly enhanced.

Q: How to disinfect dishware?

A: Those in quarantine should have separate meals. The dishware they have used can be boiled for 15 minutes, or put inside disinfection cabinets.

Soaking the dishware in chlorine containing disinfectant solution and washing them after 15 minutes will have the same effect.

Q: How to disinfect household items?

A: For daily items such as door handles, switches, wash basins, telephones and faucets that are contacted often, pydrogen peroxide wet wipes can be used for disinfection. Chlorine disinfection solution is an alternative.

Q: How to disinfect textiles such as clothing and quilts?

A: These can be boiled for 15 minutes, or soak them in disinfectants for 30 minutes.

Q: How to disinfect toilets?

A: Those under home quarantine are recommended to use a separate toilet with at least one disinfection daily.

If the toilet is shared, disinfection is necessary after each use by the quarantined with chlorine disinfection solutions applied on and around nightstools and washed after 30 minutes.

Q: How to use disinfectants?

A: Wear masks and gloves when using disinfectants and ensure proper concentration of disinfectants.

Children and elderly people should avoid staying inside rooms where disinfection is conducted to prevent harm on their respiratory tracts and skin.

Q: Can we apply alcohol spraying disinfection at home?

A: No. It may lead to fire and blast hazards.

Q: How to place disinfectants?

A: Keep them in a shaded place that is out of reach of children for safety reasons.

Containers with disinfectants should have a cover and the disinfectants are better within 500 milliliters.

Q: Can we mix different types of disinfectants when using them?

A: No. The mixture of two or more disinfectants will lead to chemical reaction such as poisoning that will threaten our health.

Laundry detergent should not be used together with disinfectants.

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