'A Posture of Space' enjoys an ideal opening at J7 ART

"孪-SIAMESE-孪" is a multimedia piece from the artist's ongoing audio-visual project "The Age of Digital/Analogue."
"A Posture of Space" made the perfect debut for J7 ART in downtown Shanghai's 3,000-square-meter space.
The exhibition has seven rooms, each reflecting one artist and his or her unique creative concepts and languages. Gao Ruyun, Huang Zhe, Lou Ye, LU SISI, Tess Dumon, Thomas Canto, and Nathan Zhou are participating artists.
According to Fritz Huang, the exhibition's curator, an individual is like a molecule, and a room is an extension of the body, providing a protective buffer zone between the individual and the outside world.
"Opening that door does not immediately dissolve the tangible and illusory boundaries of people, and re-establishing the connection between oneself and others is necessary," Huang stated.
Artist LU SISI's room is one of the attractions.
A surrealistic atmosphere filled with loud mechanical sound, laser light, and a moving digital screen immediately immerses visitors as they enter the area.

"Stories of Celestial Bodies"

"Blueshift" series. No.25 by Huang Zhe
The multimedia piece "孪-SIAMESE-孪" is developed from the artist's long-term audio-visual project "The Age of Digital/Analogue." He explores the evolution and modern applications of analogue equipment, digital technology, and virtual networks from a new angle.
By combining recordings of textile machines with laser lights, he creates a dynamic interplay between the virtual and real worlds. The juxtaposition of these media brings together the past, present, and future.
Huang Zhe's "The Stories of Celestial Bodies" is another poetic artwork. Huang's artworks titled "Blueshift" and "The Hidden Force" represent his interpretations of astronomical words.

"Myth and Poems" by Tess Dumon

Lou Ye's "Infinite Growth" room depicts bamboo differently.
For instance, Saturn's rings and the minor satellites that do not orbit the planet permanently serve as inspiration for "The Hidden Force." Some of Saturn's smaller or younger satellites are so fragile that they tend to collide and are destroyed by tidal pressures, vanishing from the rings before the others. Saturn's rings, however, will gradually disintegrate.
The artist compares such small satellites to people or objects that were once near us. However, they fade away from our lives due to transitions or changes, leaving only weak remnants of their presence in our memories.
In the "Infinite Growth" chamber, artist Lou Ye deviates from the stereotypical meaning and picture of bamboo in his work. Unlike the conventional ink bamboo that embodies the literati spirit, the bamboo shape in her paintings resembles the 0uroboros, indicating the concept of "self-de-vouring," which has various interpretations.
It could be the "infinite cycle" or the "endless knot," which both depict the cycle of life and death. It also reminds visitors of the Mobius strip, a mathematical notion that represents an "infinite loop."
The artist is attempting to portray her own psychological experiences and philosophical beliefs using bamboo painted on silk.
If you go:
Date: Through October 27, 10am–12pm, 2pm–5pm
Venue: J7 ART
Address: B1, 7 Maoming Rd S