Police hold man who attacked woman on Metro

Chen Huizhi
Police say the attacker they subdued with the help of Metro staff and other passengers after an incident on a Line 13 train had mental health problems.
Chen Huizhi

A man who assaulted a woman passenger on a Metro train on Tuesday morning had mental health problems, police said.

The incident took place at 10:40am on a Metro Line 13 train heading toward Jinyun Road.

The man is said to have attacked the woman, who he didn’t know, making her face to bleed.

Police were alerted and they caught the man at Jiangning Road station with the help of Metro staff and other passengers.

When questioned, he had difficulty in communicating, police said. 

Police called a contact on his mobile phone and learned that 47-year-old Zhang had arrived at Shanghai Railway Station from out of town with two companions but had gone astray.

Police said their investigation is still underway.

The injured passenger received treatment at a local hospital, police said.

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