Oh, baby, welcome to the first day of 2022

Cai Wenjun
As of 8am, 11 babies were delivered on the first day of the New Year at Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital.
Cai Wenjun

As of 8am, 11 babies were delivered on the first day of the New Year at Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital, the hospital with the largest delivery quantity in the city.

The first 2022 baby was born at 0:19am in the hospital's east branch in the Pudong New Area. It is the second baby of the family, whose first child is a boy.

The same midwife Zhao Yi welcomed both babies of the family.

Zhao said child delivery is the most painful experience for most women in their entire life.

"Our responsibility is to accompany them and help them give birth to the babies safely," she said. "The cry of each baby is the best New Year gift to all of us."

In the hospital's west branch in Jing'an District, the first baby in 2022 was also a girl and second child the family. Nurse Shen Yu was the midwife of the baby's elder brother three years ago as well.

Parents wish their babies could stay healthy and happy.

Oh, baby, welcome to the first day of 2022
Ti Gong

A mother with her newborn baby.

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