A rural coffee house with a great view of pristine countryside

Enjoying a freshly brewed coffee at Kuaileli is a pure delight.
Kuaileli Coffee, a nicely designed coffee house in Liantang Town’s Dongzhuang Village, is welcoming visitors to enjoy a cup of freshly made coffee.
The coffee shop is located in the highest building in the village, surrounded by vast farmland and a great rural view. It is furnished with wooden furniture and succulent plants, giving the entire place a natural and cozy feel.
In addition to classic coffee, such as lattes, oolong-style Americano and raw coconut latte, the establishment also serves hand-pressed pure fruit juice, which is enhanced with mint leaves grown by the owners.
The three coffee shop proprietors are old friends. As their hometown has grown in beauty over the years, more and more tourists from other areas have arrived, filling them with joy and pride.
“We have been to many rural coffee shops, so we want to open one in our hometown as well,” they said. “From site picking to layout inside the place, we all did it ourselves.”