Adventures of Martin about to hit the big screen

Xu Wei
The first feature-length film of the popular animation series "Martin Morning" is set for national release on July 22.
Xu Wei
SSI ļʱ
Adventures of Martin about to hit the big screen
Ti Gong

It is the first feature-length adaptation of the popular animated series "Martin Morning," which has amassed a large fan base since 2003.

Adventures of Martin about to hit the big screen
Ti Gong

The movie has an imaginative storyline that shows the adventures of Martin and his friends.

The premiere of the first feature-length film from the popular animation series "Martin Morning" took place in Shanghai on Saturday. It will be released nationwide on July 22.

Since 2003, the animated series about an ordinary boy's daily adventures has captivated a large number of children.

Every morning, a young boy named Martin wakes up to find himself transformed into extraordinary forms, such as a historical figure or a fairytale character.

On China's film and television review website Douban, the series received a 9.2 out of 10 rating for its well-written script that teaches children about historical events and anecdotes.

Adventures of Martin about to hit the big screen
Ti Gong

Martin wakes up every morning to different identities, such as historical and fairy tale characters.

Adventures of Martin about to hit the big screen
Ti Gong

In the film, the children fight a monster with courage and wisdom.

The movie depicts Martin and his friends' adventure with a giant monster after they discover their new identities in the morning in a more imaginative scenario.

Director Zhang Tianxiao incorporates elements of traditional Chinese culture as well as the cutting-edge concept of parallel universes to uncover Martin's secret truths.

Through the film, Zhang conveys a message of courage, perseverance, and optimism in the face of adversity.

Producers revealed that in addition to fresh seasons of animated TV series, the "Martin Morning" film franchise will be periodically updated to cater to fans.

SSI ļʱ

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