Enjoy a coffee in scenic Shanghai Panlong Tiandi

The bazaar attracts a large crowd.
A bazaar featuring coffee, cultural and creative products, as well as intangible cultural heritage performances is being held in Qingpu District over the weekend.
It offers a unique and pleasant weekend outing for city dwellers.
As part of the ongoing 2023 Shanghai Qingpu Coffee Culture Week running through June 5, a lifestyle bazaar has been set up at Shanghai Panlong Tiandi, a new cultural and commercial landmark in the city.

The stalls are lit up at night.
Panlong Tiandi re-imagines an ancient Jiangnan watertown as a modern urban retreat. With a history dating back more than 1,000 years to the Sui Dynasty (AD 581-618), Panlong Town is one of 32 historical protected zones in Shanghai.
The unique and amiable combination of the aroma of coffee and typical enchanting Jiangnan (Jiangnan refers to regions south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River) scenery will trigger a special experience for visitors.

A customer looks at bracelets.
A number of coffee brands have brought their products and cultural and creative products to the bazaar. Intangible cultural heritage gems of Qingpu and local delicacies are also featured.
There is probably nothing more soothing and pleasant than a cup of coffee at a typical Jiangnan-style garden, and Qingpu is the right place to enjoy this treat.
Panlong Tiandi has preserved the town's water system and bridge culture, as well as the unique cross-street pattern.
It also recreated historical sites to revive Jiangnan heritage.

The bazaar has a Green outlook.
At the same time, coffee brands at commercial complexes along Metro Line 17 are offering discounts for coffee lovers, along with 37 cafes in the district, through the coffee week.
Reading events and coffee-related lectures and tasting activities are also being held.

Many coffee products are on offer.
Event info:
Date: 1pm-8pm, through June 5
Venue: Shanghai Panlong Tiandi 上海蟠龙天地
Address: No. 8, Lane 123, Panding Road 蟠鼎路123弄8号

The bazaar features a laid-back style.